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Here’s a rich pictorial review of normal and abnormal human prenatal development. For each body system or region, you’ll find a brief description of the developmental plan, with key concepts and terminology, followed by discussions of histological principles, the classification of congenital defects, and basic cellular, molecular, and genetic concepts.  An emphasis on morphological patterns in the embryo and fetus makes it easy to understand the structure and function of the adult body and the embryonic basis of birth defects

Table Of Contents:

Chapter 1:

  • An Overview of Developmental Events, Processes, and Abnormalities . 1
  • The First and Second Weeks. 2
  • The Embryonic Period
  • The Early Embryonic Period. 3
  • The Late Embryonic Period. 4
  • The Fetal Period. 5
  • Histological Concepts
  • Samples of Epithelia and Connective Tissue . 6
  • Skin and Embryonic Connective Tissue. 7
  • Induction. 8
  • Apoptosis . 9
  • Segmentation and Early Pattern Formation
  • Genetic Determination of Embryonic Axes and Segments. 10
  • Segmentation and Segment Fates. 11
  • Cell Adhesion and Cell Migration. 12
  • Cell Differentiation and Cell Fates . 13
  • Growth Factors. 14
  • Classification of Abnormal Processes . 15
  • Classification of Multiple Anomalies. 16
  • Normal Versus Major Versus Minor Malformations . 17
  • Marfan Syndrome. 18
  • Apert and De Lange Syndromes. 19
  • Examples of Deformations . 20
  • Example of a Deformation Sequence . 21
  • Drug-Induced Embryopathies. 22
  • Terminology. 23

  • Chapter 2:

    • Early Embryonic Development and the Placenta . 27
    • Adult Uterus, Ovaries, and Uterine Tubes . 28
    • Ovary, Ova, and Follicle Development . 29
    • The Menstrual Cycle and Pregnancy. 30
    • The First Week: .
    • Ovulation, Fertilization and Migration Down the Uterine Tube. 31
    • Ectopic Pregnancy. 32
    • Tubal Pregnancy. 33
    • Interstitial, Abdominal, and Ovarian Pregnancy. 34
    • The Second Week: .
    • Implantation and Extraembryonic Membrane Formation. 35
    • The Third Week: Gastrulation. 36
    • Events Related to Gastrulation:.
    • Neurulation and Early Placenta and Coelom Development . 37
    • The Fourth Week: Folding of the Gastrula . 38
    • The Vertebrate Body Plan. 39
    • Formation of the Placenta. 40
    • The Endometrium and Fetal Membranes. 41
    • Placental Structure . 42
    • External Placental Structure; Placental Membrane. 43
    • Placental Variations . 44
    • Placenta Previa. 45
    • Summary of Ectodermal Derivatives. 46
    • Summary of Endodermal Derivatives . 47
    • Summary of Mesodermal Derivatives. 48
    • Terminology. 49

    Chapter 3:

    • The Nervous System.
    • Formation of the Neural Plate.
    • Neurulation.
    • Neural Tube
    • Head and Neck.
    • Ectoderm, Endoderm, and Mesoderm.
    • Pharyngeal (Branchial) Arches .
    • Ventral and Midsagittal Views .
    • Fate of the Pharyngeal Pouches .
    • Midsagittal View of the Pharynx.
    • Fate of the Pharyngeal Grooves .
    • Pharyngeal Groove and Pouch Anomalies. 2
    • Pharyngeal Arch Nerves.
    • Sensory Innervation Territories.
    • Development of Pharyngeal Arch Muscles
    • Early Development of Pharyngeal Arch Muscles.
    • Later Development of Pharyngeal Arch Muscles.
    • Pharyngeal Arch Cartilages.
    • Ossi?cation of the Skull .
    • Premature Suture Closure.
    • Cervical Ossi?cation.
    • Torticollis .
    • Cervical Plexus.
    • Orbit.
    • Ear Development .
    • Adult Ear Organization.
    • Summary of Ear Development .
    • Cranial Nerve Primordia.
    • Cranial Nerve Neuron Components.
    • Parasympathetic Innervation and Unique Nerves.
    • Development of the Face
    • Development of the Face: 3 to 4 Weeks.
    • Development of the Face: 4 to 6 Weeks.
    • Development of the Face: 6 to 10 Weeks.
    • Palate Formation
    • Palate Formation.
    • Interior View of Palate Formation; Roof of Oral Cavity.
    • Congenital Anomalies of the Oral Cavity.
    • Floor of the Oral Cavity .
    • Developmental Coronal Sections .
    • Tooth Structure and Development . 2
    • Dental Eruption.
    • Terminology.
    • ural Crest .
    • Neural Tube Defects
    • Defects of the Spinal Cord and Vertebral Column.
    • Defects of the Brain and Skull.
    • Neuron Development.
    • Development of the Cellular Sheath of Axons .
    • Development of the Spinal Cord Layers.
    • Development of the Spinal Cord.
    • Peripheral Nervous System
    • Development of the Peripheral Nervous System.
    • Somatic Versus Splanchnic Nerves .
    • Growth of the Spinal Cord and Vertebral Column.
    • Embryonic Dermatomes.
    • Adult Dermatomes .
    • Development of the Brain
    • Early Brain Development.
    • Further Development of Forebrain, Midbrain, and Hindbrain.
    • Development of Major Brain Structures.
    • Growth of the Cerebral Hemispheres.
    • Derivatives of the Forebrain, Midbrain, and Hindbrain .
    • Development of the Forebrain
    • Forebrain Wall and Ventricles.
    • Relationship Between Telencephalon and Diencephalon .
    • Cross Sections of the Midbrain and Hindbrain.
    • Production of Cerebrospinal Fluid
    • Development of Motor Nuclei in the Brainstem.
    • Segmentation of the Hindbrain.
    • Development of the Pituitary Gland.
    • Development of the Ventricles.
    • Congenital Ventricular Defects.
    • Terminology.

    Chapter 4:

    • The Cardiovascular System.
    • Early Vascular Systems.
    • Vein Development
    • Early Development of the Cardinal Systems .
    • Transformation to the Postnatal Pattern.
    • Vein Anomalies.
    • Aortic Arch Arteries .
    • Artery Anomalies
    • Aortic Arch Anomalies.
    • Anomalous Origins of the Pulmonary Arteries.
    • Intersegmental Arteries and Coarctation of the Aorta.
    • Summary of Embryonic Blood Vessel Derivatives.
    • Formation of Blood Vessels.
    • Formation of the Heart Tube
    • Formation of the Left and Right Heart Tubes.
    • Formation of a Single Heart Tube.
    • Chambers of the Heart Tube.
    • Bending of the Heart Tube.
    • Partitioning of the Heart Tube.
    • Atrial Separation.
    • Spiral (Aorticopulmonary) Septum .
    • Completion of the Spiral (Aorticopulmonary) Septum.
    • Ventricular Separation and Bulbus Cordis.
    • Adult Derivatives of the Heart Tube Chambers.
    • Fetal Circulation. 104
    • Transition to Postnatal Circulation .
    • Congenital Heart Defect Concepts.
    • Ventricular Septal Defects.
    • Atrial Septal Defects.
    • Spiral Septum Defects.
    • Patent Ductus Arteriosus.
    • Terminology.

    Chapter 5:

    • The Respiratory System.
    • Early Primordia.
    • Formation of the Pleural Cavities .
    • The Relationship Between Lungs and Pleural Cavities .
    • Visceral and Parietal Pleura .
    • Development of the Diaphragm.
    • Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.
    • Airway Branching
    • The Airway at 4 to 7 Weeks.
    • The Airway at 7 to 10 Weeks. 1
    • Development of Bronchioles and Alveoli .
    • Bronchial Epithelium Maturation .
    • Congenital Anomalies of the Lower Airway.
    • Airway Branching Anomalies.
    • Bronchopulmonary Sequestration.
    • Palate Formation in the Upper Airway.
    • The Newborn Upper Airway.
    • Terminology.

    Chapter 6

    • The Gastrointestinal System and Abdominal Wall .
    • Early Primordia.
    • Formation of the Gut Tube and Mesenteries.
    • Foregut, Midgut, and Hindgut.
    • Abdominal Veins .
    • Foregut and Midgut Rotations.
    • Meckel’s Diverticulum .
    • Lesser Peritoneal Sac.
    • Introduction to the Retroperitoneal Concept.
    • Midgut Loop.
    • Abdominal Ligaments.
    • Abdominal Foregut Organ Development .
    • Development of Pancreatic Acini and Islets.
    • Congenital Pancreatic Anomalies.
    • Development of the Hindgut .
    • Congenital Anomalies
    • Duplication, Atresia, and Situs Inversus.
    • Megacolon (Hirschsprung’s Disease).
    • Summary of Gut Organization .
    • Development of the Abdominal Wall.
    • Umbilical Hernia .
    • The Inguinal Region.
    • Anterior Testis Descent.
    • The Adult Inguinal Region .
    • Anomalies of the Processus Vaginalis.
    • Terminology.

    Chapter 7:

    • The Urogenital System.
    • Early Primordia.
    • Division of the Cloaca .
    • Congenital Cloacal Anomalies .
    • Pronephros, Mesonephros, and Metanephros.
    • Development of the Metanephros.
    • Ascent and Rotation of the Metanephric Kidneys.
    • Kidney Rotation and Migration Anomalies
    • Kidney Rotation Anomalies and Renal Fusion.
    • Kidney Migration Anomalies and Blood Vessel Formation .
    • Hypoplasia.
    • Ureteric Bud Duplication.
    • Ectopic Ureters.
    • Bladder Anomalies.
    • Allantois/Urachus Anomalies .
    • Primordia of the Genital System.
    • 8-Week Undifferentiated (Indifferent) Stage
    • Anterior View of the Derivatives.
    • Paramesonephric Duct Anomalies .
    • Homologues of the External Genital Organs.
    • Hypospadias and Epispadias.
    • Gonadal Differentiation .
    • Testis, Epididymis, and Ductus Deferens .
    • Descent of Testis.
    • Ova and Follicles.
    • Summary of Urogenital Primordia and Derivatives.
    • Summary of Genital Primordia and Derivatives .
    • Terminology.

    Chapter 8:

    • The Musculoskeletal System.
    • Myotomes, Dermatomes, and Sclerotomes.
    • Muscle and Vertebral Column Segmentation .
    • Mesenchymal Primordia at 5 and 6 Weeks .
    • Ossi?cation of the Vertebral Column.
    • Development of the Atlas, Axis, Ribs, and Sternum.
    • Bone Cells and Bone Deposition .
    • Histology of Bone.
    • Membrane Bone and Skull Development.
    • Bone Development in Mesenchyme.
    • Osteon Formation.
    • Compact Bone Development and Remodeling.
    • Endochondral Ossi?cation in a Long Bone.
    • Epiphyseal Growth Plate
    • Epiphyseal Growth Plate.
    • Peripheral Cartilage Function in the Epiphysis.
    • Structure and Function of the Growth Plate.
    • Pathophysiology of the Growth Plate.
    • Ossification in the Newborn Skeleton.
    • Joint Development .
    • Muscular System: Primordia.
    • Segmentation and Division of Myotomes.
    • Epimere, Hypomere, and Muscle Groups.
    • Development and Organization of Limb Buds.
    • Rotation of the Limbs.
    • Limb Rotation and Dermatomes.
    • Embryonic Plan of the Brachial Plexus.
    • Divisions of the Lumbosacral Plexus.
    • Divisions of the Lumbosacral Plexus.
    • Developing Skeletal Muscles
    • Terminology.

    Chapter 9:

    • Head and Neck.
    • Ectoderm, Endoderm, and Mesoderm.
    • Pharyngeal (Branchial) Arches .
    • Ventral and Midsagittal Views .
    • Fate of the Pharyngeal Pouches .
    • Midsagittal View of the Pharynx.
    • Fate of the Pharyngeal Grooves .
    • Pharyngeal Groove and Pouch Anomalies.
    • Pharyngeal Arch Nerves.
    • Sensory Innervation Territories.
    • Development of Pharyngeal Arch Muscles
    • Early Development of Pharyngeal Arch Muscles.
    • Later Development of Pharyngeal Arch Muscles.
    • Pharyngeal Arch Cartilages.
    • Ossi?cation of the Skull .
    • Premature Suture Closure.
    • Cervical Ossi?cation.
    • Torticollis .
    • Cervical Plexus.
    • Orbit.
    • Ear Development .
    • Adult Ear Organization.
    • Summary of Ear Development .
    • Cranial Nerve Primordia.
    • Cranial Nerve Neuron Components.
    • Parasympathetic Innervation and Unique Nerves.
    • Development of the Face
    • Development of the Face: 3 to 4 Weeks.
    • Development of the Face: 4 to 6 Weeks.
    • Development of the Face: 6 to 10 Weeks.
    • Palate Formation
    • Palate Formation.
    • Interior View of Palate Formation; Roof of Oral Cavity.
    • Congenital Anomalies of the Oral Cavity.
    • Floor of the Oral Cavity .
    • Developmental Coronal Sections .
    • Tooth Structure and Development .
    • Dental Eruption.
    • Terminology.



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